Some additional reflection on my previous Supplemental Wisdom post: “Giving up one thing today can lead to an infinitely better tomorrow.”
It may seem obvious, but giving up something that’s bad for you, something that doesn’t serve you or make you better, is a strong play. But have you ever considered it could be beneficial to give up something good – even if temporarily – to improve your life?
Life is busy and time is short. You’re likely doing more than you need to, more than is required, and doing extra – even if it’s extra good things – isn’t always the answer. Spreading yourself too thin can keep you from focusing on the tasks that are most important. Focusing on fewer tasks at a time and working them at a higher level can pay more dividends than trying to get everything done all at once.
Doing more isn’t always better. Being busy doesn’t mean you’re getting the right things done.
Cutting out something that can wait – or something you’re doing just for the sake of doing – gives you freedom. Time is freedom. Every second you get back gives you more freedom at your disposal. You can use freedom to invest in yourself and to accomplish more of the things that move you forward – either the things that make the most difference in your life or simply gain the freedom to think thoughts that help clarify what you should be spending your time on in the first place.
Accomplishing great things takes time. Having freedom to structure your time helps you get where you want to be.
Don’t confuse movement with progress. Doing things makes you busy, it’s doing the right things that makes progress.
What do you do right now – good or bad – that’s stealing your freedom?
Which of these can you forgo to free yourself up for progress?
What are the tasks or activities that, once gone, would help you close the gap between where you want to be and where you are right now?
What are these things for you?
Make a list and free yourself from the things that are holding you back. Start focusing on what really needs to be done – the things that guide you in the right direction, allowing you to get closer to your desired destination, miles ahead from yesterday.
Nothing should be exempt from being cut from the team when the championship’s trophy is a better you.
For additional context on this topic, read my original post, Project Death Day – Start Living the Life You’ve Always Wanted.
Find your theoretical death day and start living your life with purpose.
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