Some additional reflection on my previous Supplemental Wisdom post: “Be future-focused, not past-obsessed.”
I’m not sure how it’s possible, but 2025 is upon us. “New year, new me,” some say, while others more bleak see one more day ticked off the calendar of life, another day closer to death. The truth is, they’re both right.
The difference between these two points of view is a person’s mindset, their attitude. Attitude is a state of mind; action is a state of motion. Your attitude can both encourage and discourage your actions. If your cup is half-empty, your attitude and willingness to pour into your half-empty life is what’s required to flip the gauge to half-full, and eventually break the barrier of the rim.
Thinking about change, however, can only get you so far. It’s the doing that makes the difference. If I only had the idea for this post but never put pen to paper, you wouldn’t be reading it right now. The same goes for everything. A thought is nothing but a trigger – a mechanism for action – and action cannot take place without movement putting events into motion.
We’ve all seen people’s potential for action become frozen by their past. Dwelling on what’s been and done should not prevent you from moving forward. You can’t change the past, and it wouldn’t be wise to erase those lessons even if you could. Take what’s already occurred and use that as fuel for the fire to thaw your future potential.
There is no new you in a new year. It’s the same you, with the same past. It’s a new attitude, new thoughts. Yesterday’s thoughts can be forgotten with action, and just like time itself, action moves you beyond yesterday. Ticking another task off your list puts distance between the you of yesterday and the you of today – and if those two people are the same, you may have more work to do on your attitude.
Start thinking about what’s in store for your future and start moving yourself one step closer to your dreams. Start being future-focused, not past-obsessed.
It’s time to pull the trigger.
For additional context on this topic, read my original post, Project Death Day – Start Living the Life You’ve Always Wanted.
Find your theoretical death day and start living your life with purpose.
Follow, share, and join Project Death Day. Have fun with it and start living the life you’ve always wanted.
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Saw a great quote that read “What you are not changing, you are choosing.